Hamza portrait

Hello, Hamza here.

I am a nerd from childhood, and a professional developer since May-2021. My professional experience is in full-stack development. I enjoy building Backend Systems and My focus is to make ideas come to life.

About me

I have worked both, with Remote clients, and on-site with teams. I have a deep understanding of Typescript/Javascript and its frameworks, and have a proven track record of delivering high-quality code in a timely manner.

In addition to my expertise in Node.js, I am also advanced in NextJS and React-Native, which allows me to deliver full-stack solutions to my clients. And, DevOps is the 3rd love of my life 😉.

I am a dedicated professional who takes pride in my work and is committed to delivering the best possible solutions to my clients.

Top projects

Cab-Booking app

Instantly hail rides, find nearby drivers, set destinations, and pay digitally for seamless, on-demand transportation.

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • AWS
  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • Socket.io
  • React-native

Barter App

The app enables direct swapping of goods/services, bypassing cash. Users list items, find matches, and trade without monetary transactions.

  • Typescript
  • Node.js
  • AWS
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • React-native
  • React.Js

Hospital Management System

Streamlines patient data, appointments, billing, and inventory, enhancing healthcare efficiency and organization.

  • Typescript
  • Node.js
  • SQL
  • Express.js
  • Azure
  • React.Js

Real-Estate Marketplace

Links buyers and sellers, displaying properties with photos and prices. Enables effortless transactions and property deals.

  • Typescript
  • Node.js
  • AWS
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • React-native
  • React.Js

My Soft-Skills

  • Problem Solver
  • Critical Thinker
  • Effective Communicator
  • Passionate Learner

My Tech-Stack

  • TypeScript
  • Express
  • React
  • Next.js
  • React-Native
  • Git
  • Test-Driven-Development
  • CI/CD
  • Docker
  • AWS
  • GraphQL
  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • Tailwind

My experience

Contact me

You can contact me directly at hmmmzadev@gmail.com or through this form.